This week our fish tank has experienced some challenges. On Monday the whole tank was very murky. We transferred some strawberry plants from Bernard’s grow beds to ours thinking that there wasn’t enough filtration happening in our larger tank. Bernard’s tank was completely clear and looking good. We stopped all feeding but there was no real change in water clarity throughout the week. On Thursday one fish died. We replaced 15 gallons of water with sink water and immediately noticed more clarity. Ph seemed slightly high before the flush.
On Saturday, I stopped by to check on things and noticed another dead fish! Upon closer examination, I also noticed a dead fish hidden behind the pump. This fish could have been there for the entire week! I pumped another 15 gallons out and replaced it with sink water. I also salted both tanks to increase overall fish health. As soon as I salted Cooper’s tank, a fish started freaking and swimming all over the place. Upon closer examination, this fish had huge, bulging eyes. It died very shortly after that.
I looked closely at Bernard’s tank for any signs of fish illness and I found one that had redness on most of its tail. I disposed of it. The water still looks good in that tank.
On Saturday, I stopped by to check on things and noticed another dead fish! Upon closer examination, I also noticed a dead fish hidden behind the pump. This fish could have been there for the entire week! I pumped another 15 gallons out and replaced it with sink water. I also salted both tanks to increase overall fish health. As soon as I salted Cooper’s tank, a fish started freaking and swimming all over the place. Upon closer examination, this fish had huge, bulging eyes. It died very shortly after that.
I looked closely at Bernard’s tank for any signs of fish illness and I found one that had redness on most of its tail. I disposed of it. The water still looks good in that tank.