Our system came to a close with a feast! Pea-sized brussel sprouts were the main course (and only course). The brussel sprout plant was the most successful and grew to be quite large. It pretty much took over an entire grow bed! We ended up using one fish tank as a feeder fish tank that kept a school of minnows from Petsmart. The minnows seemed to provide enough nutrients to keep the plants growing while also providing some food for the fish in the other tank.
In the end, our aquaponics system was a success. It man not have produced the amount of food that we were hoping for, but we learned a great deal from it. I would guess that if these kids could do it again, they would! Check out pictures and the culminating video!
In the end, our aquaponics system was a success. It man not have produced the amount of food that we were hoping for, but we learned a great deal from it. I would guess that if these kids could do it again, they would! Check out pictures and the culminating video!